The Cult of ePub
If you've ever owned a Mac you've been part of the Cult of Mac. This group of Mac-savvy owners are always ready to help others learn about everything Mac and while there can be a few fanatics in the group (stop staring at me, I know, I'm a Mac geek) many are just quiet supporters of the system touted for ease-of-use and virus-free software. But it appears that whenever two or three Mac fanatics are gathered in Apple solidarity, new converts are created. While helping my sister choose and purchase her iPad this weekend, I was reminded several times that I should be working at the store I consider my personal Mecca both by my family and the staff working at the store! More than once, I heard things like "You should work here!" and "Why aren't you working for Apple again?" while showing things to my sister at the Apple store. But the truth is when you love doing something, it doesn't feel like work and it is reflected in your attitude and everything...