Busy Days Keep Me Busy

I've been meaning to make a real post for several days and just haven't had a chance to breathe long enough to sit down and put my thoughts on screen. Even as I take a minute to write this entry, I'm thinking of a million things I have yet to do and need to do including cleaning my house! LOL

Let's see... I guess I can start with the business!

  1. I'm going to the Romantic Times Book Lover's Convention in Columbus, OH at the end of the month and everything has just fallen into place for it in a way that I couldn't even DREAM of! I will be taking appointments to talk with authors while I'm there. Have to get my schedule when I arrive for those. Though, if you looked at all of the events I want to go to, you'd think I was crazy! LOL I was able to get airfare, roundtrip, non-stop for $117 (total). Car rental came out to $159 for the week and Lori Toland was able to help me get a hotel (and not just any hotel... but the Crowne Plaza!) 20 minutes away for $57/night! I'm telling you, everything's just fallen into place. So much so, that I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know?
  2. I've been shopping a manuscript around and we now have 2 bites from 2 pubs we're very excited about. Just waiting to hear on another pub that's asked to take a look at it and then it's a matter of signing contracts and my client will be on her way to being a published author! Pretty cool!!
  3. I've also received a few queries last week, of which, I've accepted two: Rebecca Leigh and Jamaica Layne (who also writes under Jay Hughes) both from Ravenous Romance. I'm excited about what they've written and I'm pitching their manuscripts this week.
And now... time to crawl into bed with a good eBook and the hubster! :)


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